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Although Eeyore is generally gloomy and
depressed, he does make the effort to get
into the spirit of things at special times of
the year. He has kindly provided us with
examples of his costumes, beginning with
his Easter wardrobe. Don't you think he
makes a good Easter Bunny?

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Eeyore enjoys dressing
up for Halloween. Here
he is trick or treating
with his little pal Roo
and on the right is an
Eeyore decoration.

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Christmas can be depressing for Eeyore. He
generally convinces himself that all his friends
have forgotten about him, and he sometimes
finds himself in very awkward situations.

However, every year his spirits are lifted

as he realises his friends did not forget him
and he joins them in all their celebrations.

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But what could be better than a birthday

celebration? Well...unfortunately, Eeyore

doesn't always have the best of luck with his

birthday either. Like at Christmas time, he

often believes his friends have forgotten him.


Even when they have remembered, things

don't always go to plan. For example, one year

Piglet wanted to surprise Eeyore with a red

balloon, but it burst before he had a chance.

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Everything always turns out okay in

the end though, and he celebrates

his birthday with all of his friends.


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